What is ChainChat?

ChainChat is a series of informal interviews between Diversity in Blockchain and individuals with either a casual or professional interest in all things Blockchain, Web3, technology, and/or diversity. 

ChainChat serves as educational content, as much for beginners in the space as experts, due to the wide variety of ChainChatters.

If you’re here to learn from our ChainChat, you can read and listen to them here.

Or maybe you’re interested in being a ChainChatter yourself? In that case, here are the FAQ:

Who Can Be a ChainChatter?

Anybody with a personal or professional interest in Blockchain, Web3, technology, and/or diversity. Apply here.

What Kind Of Questions Will I Be Asked?

The specific interviews vary from ChainChatter to ChainChatter, as each one has a different degree of involvement, interest, experience, and knowledge. When you apply to be a ChainChatter, we will ask you for some information in order to tailor the questions before the interview. You are welcome to provide input.

Pillar questions such as:

How did you get into Blockchain?

Have you experienced any difficulties from a diversity perspective throughout your tech career?

What does your company do to ensure diversity?

Can be mixed with questions such as:

How does a smart contract work?

What is a hash key?

Can I get a DApp on Google Play yet?

And pot luck questions such as:

Who inspires you?

How do you take your coffee?

What would be your number one piece of advice for someone starting a career in Blockchain?

But remember, it all depends on whether you’re a newb, a developer, a hodler, a lawyer, a barista… We really do want to speak to everybody. Also, we will ask you to leave a question for the next ChainChatter, thus creating a chain. Geddit?

How will the ChainChat Be Conducted?

We will record the ChainChat on Zoom. The duration will be no longer than 30 minutes. Diversity in Blockchain will lead the interview with some of the pre-agreed questions, which we can stick to like glue or go off-piste if our ChainChatter and we get excited about a topic.

What Will Diversity in Blockchain do with the recording?

We will strip the audio from it to use as a podcast on our website and on Spotify, and we will also transcribe and edit the ChainChat to use as written content on our website. We will then distribute these through our social media and newsletter, tagging you where appropriate.

When are the interviews?

When it is convenient for you. Once you express an interest in participating in ChainChat, we will open the lines of communication and find a time that suits you. After the interview, we will process the audio and script ready for publishing — normally within a week after the ChainChat.

Is the ChainChat paid?

We are a nonprofit organization, and as such, we depend on the generosity of our supporters, either through sponsorship or time contributions. ChainChat is currently not a paid opportunity, but rather an act of generosity on your part. Diversity in Blockchain offers you exposure online and the chance to contribute to a better Web3.

How do i apply?

You can apply to be a ChainChatter here. Once you’ve registered your interest, we will get in touch to organize a time for the ChainChat that suits you, and discuss potential questions. You will also sign a release form to confirm we can use your content. We are all about consent over here, so even if you do the ChainChat and decide later you don’t want it out there, we won’t publish it.